My Safe Place
During this crisis, which has mandated “social distancing” and “sheltering in,” I think on all that I’m grateful for; a good and strong husband, capable and resourceful children, healthy and happy grandchildren, a loving family…all sheltered in safety; secure. But, I’ve also thought about and prayed for the less fortunate…those who even before this crisis were not safe or secure, whether from food insecurity, financial insecurity, physical and mental illness, homelessness or domestic abuse. How much more might they be suffering now? Think about it!
Have you ever been terrified? Have you ever been without provisions? Have you ever experienced hurt? Have you ever felt alone? When it seems like nothing or no one in this world can help…Where do you go? What do you do? Where do you turn? Everyone needs a safe place.
As for me, I learned to reach for God, like a vulnerable little child climbing onto “Papa’s lap.” In my mind, all I hear is His heartbeat. All I feel is the warmth of His embrace soothing my soul…My Safe Place.
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'” — Matthew 19:14 (NIV)
As we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, let us embrace and share our Salvation…which literally means the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction…our SAFE PLACE.
My Safe Place
Fern Walker Jones
I put my head on your chest
And I hear your heart beating
I feel the rhythm
And the cares of my soul start melting
You are my safe place
I rest in your warm embrace
On your lap cradled in your arms
I’m sheltered from all harm
You are My Safe Place
Yes, You are
You are my Safe Place
Why do we look for love in man(kind)
Just to have our hearts broken
God proved His PERFECT LOVE
When he sacrificed His only Son
You are My Safe Place
And I no longer feel disgraced
On the cross you erased sin from me
Your greatest gift of love is life eternally
You are My Safe Place
Lord You are
You are My Safe Place
I take refuge in
The shelter of Your wings
My strong and mighty tower
Praises will I sing
So I have my head on Your chest
And I hear your heart beating
I feel the rhythm
And the cares of my soul ARE melting
You are My Safe Place
Until the day I see Your face
I’m on Your lap cradled in Your arms
Sheltered from ALL harm
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